Monday, April 26, 2010

Ugh... how to clear up adult acne?

I have used every cream, lotion, and cleaner imaginable. And I still have gross acne on my jaw line and forehead. I am freakin 27 for goodness sakes! Any food I can eat that will help? I am at a loss here.|||i would just use neutagena complete acne kit which is specificlly desiged for you.or even st.ives acne scub.|||that stuff burns like the fire of hell %26lt;proactive that is%26gt;

I just ran and sweat then wash my face that cleans it up most of the time it%26#039;s the food you eat that gives you acne.|||Drink A LOT of water. I also use Murad cleansers and creams and I love them...regular facials help too!|||proactive or neutrogena wave|||Proactive |||My recommendation would be to use Derma Cleanse Acne System. I don%26#039;t think you have used it earlier? It%26#039;s completely herbal and suits any type of skin. The complete kit consists of a gentle facial cleanser, an acne gel and easy to swallow derma cleanse capsules. It%26#039;s purely herbal and doesn%26#039;t contain any harmful acid substance.

The facial cleanser helps to clean the outer surface of the skin from dirt, oil and bacteria. The acne gel is used to clear the skin of acne quickly. Derma Cleanse Acne Gel helps heal acne fast by unclogging pores and eliminating bacteria from the innermost layer of the skin to the surface. So these two provide relief from acne on the exposed surface of the skin.

The capsules attacks the root cause of acne working to cleanse, detoxify and relax the body. This not only helps heal current acne, it also helps to prevent future breakouts.

It shouldn%26#039;t take you more than a week to start witnessing good results and improvement in your skin condition.

As far as what you shouldn%26#039;t eat is too much of oily and junk stuff, minimize drinking colas, chocolates. Drink lots of water, try to keep yourself far from stressful conditions and sleep well for atleast 8 hours a day.|||i use proacitve and it works it is a real life saver it goes away in less than a week proactive bleaches cloth and hair

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