Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Help me from adult acne?

I am 20 year old guy

and my daily routine is perfectly fine.

I don%26#039;t do drugs, smoke, drink, or whatsoever.

Both of my parents did not suffer from acne that much

my sister has fine normal skin.

but me, i don%26#039;t know why.

im ******* 20 years old and i am still suffering from acne

it is even worse than when i was in high school

i ******* curse my life because of this

i never got this much of stress from acne because it wasn%26#039;t too bad.

I started to take more care of acne, and it is even getting worse.

If you know someone that is freaking clean that he or she has to wash his or her hands after touching something that was in public, well, that would be me.

I am a clean person, and I just ******* hate how people tell me washing myself well is a solution when i am ******* cleaner than them.

my skin is so weird too

when i wash my face, it gets EXTREMELY dry, i can barely do my facial expression because it is so dried. However if certain amount of time is passed, it gets EXTREMELY oily that disgusts me.

I have pretty much of healthy diet, I avoid fast food and oily food as well.

another thing i hate is when acne is gone, the spot stays RED

for like forever.

I am in such a agony and can anybody please give me some


I can%26#039;t seriously afford to go to hospital or purchase some crazy product, which makes me even more sad.

No one can understand unless you suffer from samething too...

I can almost cry... seirously... ah....

help-|||Unfortunately skin washes for teenage acne tend to be pretty harsh, as they are designed for greasy skin. If you are drying out your skin, then it will produce extra oil to try and rehydrate, which will make your spots worse. Try using a very gentle face wash designed for sensitive/dry skin, and use an oil-free moisturiser afterwards (I swear by Clinique Dramatically Different gel, but there are cheaper options that should work for you too - ask at department store beauty counters for advice and you should be able to score some free samples to try out).

Benzoyl peroxide works for some adults, although it dries the skin out so if dryness is a problem it might make it worse. Ditto salicylic acid.

I%26#039;ve actually been seeing a dramatic drop in the number and severity of my spots after I started taking a vitamin E supplement. Not only have some scientific studies found vitamin E helps prevent acne, but it should also help with the dryness. Of course it may not work for everyone but at least it%26#039;s a cheap and harmless remedy to try before opting for more expensive, harsher treatments.

My brother-in-law, who had really bad acne on his face, chest and back, used a product called Ketsugo for several years before he started taking roaccutane - it did improve his skin a little.|||Drink lots of water and try not to stress too much about it as stress if known to make acne worse. Also acne goes away pretty fast when you know how to get rid of body toxins. I used this method and has been acne free since then You can try it if you like.

Good Luck|||try or google sulfur soap you want 10% sulfur soap and try in combination jojoba oil, this will unclog your pores clear up your blemishes. Google each product and see what you thinks.|||Not if you have had it your whole life, my aunt is in her 40s now and still has acne. I would try something like ProActive to help clear the acne. The best way to stop the flare ups is keeping your face clean. If that doesn%26#039;t work for you go see a Dermatologist and figure out another solution. Just because you have it doesn%26#039;t mean you have to be stuck w/it...there are options! Good Luck

Diet and lifestyle has as much to do with it as your hormone levels and genetics. There is hope however and I know of a good many people who%26#039;ve eventually gotten completely rid of it and for good.|||I%26#039;ve been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne/pimples temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it%26#039;s at.

I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

I%26#039;m 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

Literally the best acne face wash I%26#039;ve ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It%26#039;s unique cause of it%26#039;s herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn%26#039;t work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

Well good luck and best wishes.|||I know what you%26#039;re going through. I%26#039;ve been there.

Accutane will cure your acne but it%26#039;s expensive.

Acne is caused by hormones. Diet won%26#039;t make a difference.

You are washing your face too much if it gets that dry. (I get that it%26#039;s greasy but washing it that much makes it worse.) Wash your face with a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil.

If you have little money I suggest you try over-the-counter benzyl peroxide lotions or Stri-Dex pads. They do help.

Also there%26#039;s Tend Skin or products like it that contain salicylic acid (aspirin) in alchohol that works to keep the pores from clogging to begin with. It is rather strong. I would use it only on certain areas, not all over.

Taking oral Erythromycin or Tetracycline daily will get rid of acne, as long as you take them. But you have to buy them. There are also antibiotic lotions that will help but, again, you have to buy them.

You can get rid of those red spots with hydroquinone creams commonly used to bleach all kinds of skin issues. (It%26#039;s cheap, you can get it at Walgreen%26#039;s)

Another thing that would help is steaming your face. Boil some water in a medium sized pot. Take it off the stove. Hold a towel around the pot and your head. with your face in the steam. Sit there for a few minutes. The steam will bring the circulation to the skin, help melt some of that oil, add moisture and give your skin a fresher look.

Another treatment that people say works is exposure to blue LED lights. They have these machines just for acne treatments. This is probably fairly expensive.

If I think of anything else, I will add it.

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