Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tips for treating adult acne?

I am 26 and I have always had issues with my skin. Breakouts are not uncommon for me and I have tried many different over the counter remedies as well as perscription. Proactiv and Murad didn%26#039;t cause any miracles for me. It is only on my face though. During my pregnancy, I am guessing due to hormones my upper back and shoulders broke out with painful, large, acne. It has been 2 months now since I had my daughter, but they are still there. The same ones, they are not going anywhere. They shrink and then get big again. I know this is all kinda gross, but what can I do? Any home remedies?|||Your hormones can take up to a year to go back to normal after pregnancy. I am also 26 and have acne. Birth control pills helped but you know what really helped? Neosporin. I read about it in a magazine and I find that after washing my face and putting Neosporin on my skin cleared up a lot. Especially if you pop a white head and put it on the popped zit. It makes the zits go away a lot faster. It makes sense if you think about it because most zits are caused by bacteria (hormones increase the amount of oil on the skin and bacteria gets caught in the pores and oil.)|||My skin got awful when I was pregnant with our daughter - it was gorgeous when I was having our son though!

It took a few months for my acne to clear up. I never had perfect skin as a teen or ever either - I find that the best thing for it is drinking water and washing with a gentle soap like neutrogena or aveeno. |||Go to a dermatologist. You may have cystic acne- sounds like it if it is painful and large. Stuff like Proactiv will not work on it. I doubt any home remedies will. |||I have never been pregnant but I have been battling bad breakouts for the last 15 years. I tried using so many products: Proactive, moisturizers, glycolic acid regimes, a sulfur mask twice a week, salicylic acid spot treatments, etc etc and I kept breaking out. Mostly around my mouth and on my cheeks, deep painful breakouts that would leave dark spots that would take weeks to fade. I am 28 now and FINALLY feel like I may have found a solution and its so simple. A friend suggested I just leave my skin alone and see what happened. I was scared that it would get worse but I figured it was worth a shot! I have been washing my face twice a day with plain antibacterial cleanser (just the liquid hand soap I have in my bathroom anyway) and moisturizing with an anti-aging face lotion (olay) and before bed I use a TINY bit of benzoyl peroxide combined with lots of moisturizer. My skin is soooo much better! I think before my skin was freaking out from too many products! I hope you have the same success if you think this might work for you!

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