Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Help I have adult acne!!!!!!!!!?

I am 25 and never had a problem with acne when I was younger and for the past couple of years my acne keeps getting worse. Why and what are the best products to use??? I have heard of alot of products that don%26#039;t work for people.|||I have struggled with this for YEARS, trying everything known to man, both cheap and very expensive. The only thing that has worked long term was Acne Free, the knockoff version of Proactive (that%26#039;s MUCH cheaper). For whatever reason, Proactive never worked for me, even though I gave it multiple tries over the years.|||i have same thing and my pharmacist recommended Stridex w/red label/lid - works great!!|||The best product is Proactive. It is a little expensive but it really does the job. If that costs too much money an off brand you could try would be clean %26amp; clear. Good luck and I hope I helped!

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