Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to get rid of adult acne?? HELP!!!!!?

i am a 22 year old female.. i have NEVER had a breakout before never had acne as a teen.. now all of a sudden when i hit my 20s i have horrid acne!!! my face is scared up and discolored from it... i used to have a beautiful complextion, always got compliments on it..

i have tried everything!!! proactive, clean and clear, etc. nothing works! i have changed my make-up hair styles/color, etc

I am about to cry...

does any one know WHAT will work??? help please!|||I%26#039;m 14 and used to have terrible acne so our situations may be a little different. I would suggest visiting the dermatologist, since everyone%26#039;s skin is different. Proactive and Clean and Clear may work for some people, but it%26#039;s not for everyone. Believe me when I say that I tried every home remedy and OTC product known to man, and every thing i tried only made my acne worse. From my experiences, I learned that less is more. The more you try to do to your face and experiment with, the worse your acne may become. My dermatologist prescribed me a cream called Duac, which started to improve my skin after only a week or so and worked wonders with a little more time. Here is a regimen that I use and is easy to follow and (hopefully) delivers great results.

1) In the morning, rinse your face with warm water (don%26#039;t scrub) and then apply a thin layer of the Duac (or another cream that you choose to use).

2) During the day, make a conscience effort to drink 8 glasses of water and stay away from fired, fatty foods. Also incorporate enough fruit and fiber into your diet. This will help clear your acne from the inside out.

3) Avoid touching your face and popping the zits. This will only spread the bacteria and make your acne worse. When possible, keep your hair completely out of your face and avoid using hair products, like hairspray, which can get on your skin and clog your pores.

4) At night, rinse your face again and apply another thin layer of the Duac/cream of your choice. Beware that if choosing to use the Duac, it bleaches dyed fabric, so I%26#039;d purchase 2 or 3 white pillowcases and washcloths.

5) I%26#039;d use a moisturizer for combination skin (I like the Neutrogena moisturizers) at night on top top of the cream, since dry skin facilitates the growth and spread of bacteria. I%26#039;d also change your pillowcase every other night.

My last bit of advice is to stop stressing out about your skin. It is actually proven that stress causes acne to flare up. When I had terrible skin, I would notice that stressing out over my skin would just cause new pimples to appear in the morning. Trust me, when I was younger, I thought I would NEVER have the beautiful skin I%26#039;d always wanted. I tried everything, and just became more disappointed when nothing I tried worked. But, with a visit to the dermatologist, an easy skin care regimen, and a positive attitude, I now have the beautiful skin I always dreamed of having and couldn%26#039;t be more happy with my appearance!

(And, like I said, I know we%26#039;re different ages, but acne is acne no matter how young or old you are!)

Hope I helped!|||I used the nuetrogena kit, it comes with cleanser and two types of lotion, one for daytime use and one without SPFxx and with 2% benzoil peroxide which kicks ***. Costs like 20 bux at walmart. Be careful with a lot of these acne medicines they dry out your face too much and make it worse. You may need to go to a dermatologist.|||Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. About 2 liter of water a day of 8 cups. Wash your pillowcase every 1 or 2 weeks. Try to avoid greecy foods like fast food, french fries, and all of that. Take a multivitamin everyday to make sure your skin is healthy. Don%26#039;t overwash your face or else you will be irritating it. Once and|||proactiv

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