Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Need help with adult acne trouble?

I am 20 years old and still really bad acne. I have blemishes all over my face. The type of acne i usually get are the nodules(cystic type). Does anyone know of a really good over the counter medication besides proactive that will help. I also pick at my face, which makes it worse, but i can%26#039;t stop. Any suggestions? Oh and i can%26#039;t go to a dermatologist because i do not have health insurance and cannot afford it.|||Be honest,It will take a while to find the best answer for the your question.give a look at resource here http://www.healthinsurance-onlinetips.info/health-insurance-for-free.htm for your reference .

|||I have suffered with bad acne for most of my life (I am 24 now and still have a little). I found went to a dermatologist for a couple years and I found that it didn%26#039;t even really help.

I have found out on my own that the best thing for me to do is to keep switching the products that I use every month. It always seemed in the past that when I tried a product it would work pretty well for about a month and then my skin %26quot;got used to it%26quot; and it would start deteriorating again.

Maybe you are experiencing the same thing as me or maybe not but it would be worth a try.

Currently I am using Acne Free for Redness System. Last month I used Natures Cure Papaya kit and next month I will use Clean and Clear%26#039;s kit.

Oh and if you have really bad pock marks I have found some relief by using the Pock Filler by Acne Free as well.|||go to any local mall in a department store.

they have this thing called orgins.

it works it smells like mint kind of. It isn%26#039;t that expensive but it works really well! it will last a long time. you can choose from a variety of different acne control bottles. The person working usually can help by telling you what kind you need.|||i know it can make you a little self-conscious but try not to worry about it too much. it will pass. i used to get some acne on my cheekbones that never seemed to go away no matter what acne cream i used. but what did work a little was avoiding touching my face and surprisingly, sitting in a sauna. it will dry out your skin. that is what worked for me. in the mean time, just try and enjoy life and not worry about some acne too, too much. |||my son has the same problem and i got him acne free it works pretty good i use it sometimes and so does my sister shes 28 and it works for her. They sell it everywhere like walmart or target for like 20.00 that%26#039;s the best so far that i seen actually worked.

|||Well, if a dermatologist is out of the question, have you thought about getting a facial? I%26#039;ve never done it, but I hear they%26#039;ll take care of your skin and give you advice...|||See a dermatologist.

They can pescribe you something that will acually work.

Now mine:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>|||An esthetitician may have something to offer you that may help. When I had cystic acne the only thing that helped was oral antibiotic and prednisone for a few weeks.

|||Well I would say differen because I%26#039;m literally watching the commercial right now. But i don%26#039;t think its over the counter. i used clearisil products for sensitive skin and it seemed to work alright|||umm... just go to a pharmisutical company and ask them there will be tons of them.|||try differin gel.........its mainly for teens but it really works.|||Cystic acne can be controlled, it%26#039;s going to take effort and dedication on your part.

First thing%26#039;s first: Stop picking at your face. I%26#039;ll give you a website that will help you immensely about this condition. It goes beyond acne symptoms.

Second, acne is a symptom ~ not a disease as drug companies and businesses such as proactiv want the public to believe. Most companies like these know that through marketing and in brainwashing the public by telling them that acne is, in fact, a disease, that the public will eventually believe it. It is a symptom, however, of what your body%26#039;s system is lacking in the diet.

My guess is that you lack sufficient Vitamin A in your diet. What I am not doing is telling you to invest in a $50 bottle of the top tier vitamin A supplement. The best source is getting it from raw food sources such as carrots. They have a high vit A content and if you cannot handle raw carrots, get some carrot juice. Give it two weeks to a month of eating/drinking everyday. Gradually (not over night), you will notice an improvement. Get some zince and vitamin E in your system, as well. Yes, through whole food sources.

Stay away from all processed foods. Stay away from sugar, alcohol, smoking, yada yada yada. Many factors make up this problem.

Above all, stop picking at your face. You can employ vit A into your diet, but if you pick at your face, it doesn%26#039;t do any good and you%26#039;ll not see the results you were hoping.

Feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

Good luck.|||I used to have the same trouble. I tried everything you can think of, doctors, antibiotics, drugs, ointments, creams, proactive, and nothing helped until three years in to my personal research. Everything the doctors ever said told me that it was not diet related. Well I have proven to myself that is just plain nonsense. It has everything to do with diet in most cases.

I%26#039;d be willing to wager a guess that you eat a typical american diet. Maybe a little fresh, whole food, but mostly refined grains and starches (cereal, breads, pasta, pizza, frenchfries, beer) and a fair amount of refined sugar (candy, chocolate, fruit juice, sports drinks, soft drinks, etc) and cooked fat (meat, pasteurized dairy, eggs)

Your liver and pancreas hate you for it. They are not able to detoxify that garbage properly.

I%26#039;m 100% certain of this because i have undergone an elimination diet over the past 2 years. I%26#039;ve systematically eliminated soy, eggs, sugar, starches, grains, dairy and so on. And have been able to prove that mainly sugar, fat and starches, but mostly sugar and starches are the cause. When I do not eat them, my skin and body feel healthy and energized, if I do, they come back almost immediately, like clockwork.

Some may try to discredit me saying that it%26#039;s just my body, but I think there%26#039;s plenty of evidence to prove that most people react the same. For example, the eskimo, fulani, and masai, all endigenous tribes lived virtually free of degenerative diseases and maladies such as acne, diabetes, cancer, low bone density, etc as long as they maintained their traditional diets which consisted of 40-60% fats, cooked and raw. As soon as they switch over to a modern diet of sugars and grains they develop all of these problems.

Modern medicine has deceived and misinformed the masses, it is a horrendous failure. Disease is unnatural, animals do not live with degenerative diseases, and neither would we if we ate what we were meant to and exercised regularly.

Here%26#039;s what I recommend you do...

Start eating only whole foods, nothing bagged or boxed. Eat only living foods including raw vegetables, raw fats like coconut, avocado, raw milk, butter, cream. I would also recommend you eat raw meat as well including beef, chicken, pork, eggs and fish. Most people will recoil in fear and shout death, but I%26#039;ve been eating this way for a year now and my teeth are no longer sensitive to cold and hot, I am not perpetually cold anymore, my cystic acne is 100% gone, I%26#039;m finally gaining weight and I have more energy than I%26#039;ve had since I was 10 years old, I%26#039;m now 22.

You should also read up on the Weston A. Price foundation website regarding traditional foods.

Also on raw eating if you decide to look in to it, check out as much as you can by a guy named Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Strange name, I know, but what he says will make sense to you and even better you will probably see results. Take it from someone who%26#039;s been in your shoes, it is great not to have that painful, unsightly acne any longer, I can now talk to people without wondering the entire time if they%26#039;re looking at me or my awful infections. What have you got to lose? Good luck and clear skin!

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