Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My high school acne product isn't cutting it anymore, any suggestions for my adult acne?

I used to just use Clean and Clear and I was fine, but now I%26#039;m getting more blemishes again...I haven%26#039;t changed my routine in any way, (I guess I work out more than I did, but I don%26#039;t work out in makeup and I wash the sweat off when I%26#039;m done....) but other than that I don%26#039;t know what else could be causing the C%26amp;C to not work anymore...maybe I just need a new product...any suggestions? Thanks! (^_^)|||It is the summer time, do you wear sun block? The suns rays can play a role in acne, Research shows that exposure to sun rays may also be one of many acne causes. This may even cause acne a few months after exposure. Also not drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily can effect it as well. When you drink water, the toxins in our body exits out of our urine, basically being washed out of our systems. When you don%26#039;t drink enough water, the toxins want to exit your body so therefore they exit out the pores of our skin, this creating acne.

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