Wednesday, December 30, 2009

If you start acne treatments like AcneFree do you have to use it forever even into adult years?

or after your teens are over and you are done with puberty can you stop?|||Usually acne starts clearing up on its own somewhere around age 18 - 22. You continue using acne treatments as long as you need to, not forever.|||This is just temporary acne problems during teenage stage. It will soon overcome after you have past your teenage year and being an adult. You won%26#039;t have to use acn treatment for the rest of your live.

But let me give you some Tips for Day to Day Acne Care

Acne treatment for your acne should be accompanied by a healthy skin care routine.

Wash the affected area twice a day with mild soap. Use soap such as Dove, or one that contains benzoyl peroxide, such as Oxy-5. Wash as often necessary to keep the area clean. Do not scrub.

Shampoo the hair regularly.

Keep long hair off the face and shoulders and wash it daily.

Avoid shaving as much as possible; while shaving take care to avoid nicking the pimples.

Use a fresh shaving blade to minimize the chance of spreading the infection.

Avoid use of make-up or cosmetics in areas prone to acne. If you have to wear make-up, use only the hypoallergenic or fragrance free kind.

Don%26#039;t pop, pick, scratch, or squeeze your pimples. This may cause infection and scarring.

You may use an over-the-counter treatment that contain substances such as benzoyl peroxide (gel or cream) or salicyclic acid. Start with the lowest strength and apply once a day about half an hour after washing. Never use more than 5 percent strength without consulting a physician.

Food and Nutrition Recommendations for Acne:Some doctors believe that acne is not a food related problem. Some alternate practitioners use diet as a basis for their treatment of acne. They recommend that acne patients should eat foods high in beta-carotene, such as carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe and other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables. They should also avoid fatty foods. Acnezine controls the oil secretion in your body to protect your skin from getting acne prone.

Note: People should not try to medicate themselves or others with any of the methods referred to here without the guidance of a qualified practitioner who is thoroughly familiar with both the remedies and the individual鈥檚 medical status.

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